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European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency

Yves Punie

Deputy Head of Unit

Yves Punie is Deputy Head of the new Unit on Algorithmic Transparency. The Unit is hosting the “European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency” (ECAT) working towards a safer, more predictable and trusted online environment for people and business. 

In 2022, Yves was Acting Head of the Unit on Human Capital and Employment. He has been working on "Digital Learning and Skills" since 2005 with the aim to provide evidence-based policy support to the European Commission on harnessing the potential of digital technologies to innovate education and training practices, improve access to lifelong learning and to deal with the rise of new (digital) skills and competences needed for employment, personal development and social inclusion. He was leading the work on digital competence frameworks and tools such as DigComp, DigCompEdu, DigCompOrg, LifeComp, EntreComp, GreenComp, SELFIE and SELFIEforTeachers.

Before joining the JRC in 2001, he was interim Assistant Professor at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences.


