There are currently no open vacancies at ECAT. If you are interested in working with us, you can send a speculative application to EC-ECATec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EC-ECAT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu), and if your profile matches our needs in the future, we will let you know when new positions are available. You can keep an eye on JRC vacances on the JRC Recruitment Portal.
How to apply
To apply to an open position, you will be requested to register through EU login. If you don't have a EU login account, sign up here.
If you are an EU citizen and you are either on a valid CAST FGIV reserve list, or you have already applied to one of the calls below, you can directly submit your application at JRC External Staff Recruitment Application.
If not, before applying to this position, you must register for one of the two following:
- the Call for Expressions of Interest | EU Careers ( (CAST Permanent FGIV), which is used by a wide range of organisations (institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the European Union), or
- the specialised call for researchers (JRC Call COM/1/2015/GFIV – Research), which is mainly used by the JRC.
Vacancies are open to citizens of all EU Member States.