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David Fernández Llorca


David Fernández Llorca, received the Ph.D degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Alcalá (UAH) in 2008. He is currently Scientific Officer at the European Commission - Joint Research Centre. He is also Full Professor with UAH (in special leave). He has authored over 150 publications and more than 10 patents. He received the IEEE ITSS Young Research Award (2018). He is Editor-in-Chief of the IET Intelligent Transport Systems and Section Editor-in-Chief of the Transportation and Future Mobility of Applied Sciences. His current research interest includes trustworthy AI, harm evaluation of foundation models, human-centered autonomous vehicles, predictive perception, and human-robot interaction.




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Selected publications:

S. Carrasco, S. Majchrowska, J. Johnander, C. Petersson, D. F. Llorca. Towards explainable motion prediction using heterogeneous graph representations. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2023.

D. F. Llorca, V. Charisi, R. Hamon, I. Sánchez, E. Gómez. Liability Regimes in the Age of AI: a Use-Case Driven Analysis of the Burden of Proof. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2023.

D. F. Llorca, E. Gómez. Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Requirements in the Autonomous Driving Domain. Computer, 2023.

C. Panigutti, R. Hamon, I. Hupont, D. F. Llorca, D. Fano, H. Junklewitz, S. Scalzo, G. Mazzini, I. Sanchez, J. Soler, E. Gomez. The role of explainable AI in the context of the AI Act. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2023 (FAccT'23)

H. Corrales, N. Hernández, I. Parra, E. Nebot, D. F. Llorca. Are we ready for accurate and unbiased fine-grained vehicle classification in realistic environments? IEEE Access, 2021.