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European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency

Carlos Entrena

PhD Researcher

Carlos Entrena is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Digitalisation, Democracy and Innovation in the Brussels School of Governance at VUB and the European Commission Joint Research Centre Seville.

Carlos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada and a Master’s degree in Digital Communication Leadership from the University of Salzburg and Aalborg University Copenhagen. He has previously worked as a software developer, a communication specialist, and a researcher.

His PhD research focuses on understanding how AI-powered social media platforms afford content curation, and the agency users have over their media diets. It takes a threefold approach to the topic where it looks at social media technical design, user practices and socio-economic context as components that mutually shape each other.



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Selected publications:

Partadiredja, R. A., Entrena, C., & Ljubenkov, D. (2020). AI or Human: The Socio-ethical Implications of AI-Generated Media Content. 2020 13th CMI Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy (CMI) - Digital Transformation - Potentials and Challenges(51275), 1–6.